The move to internet media and the effects of COVID-19 regulations have made things more harder for the journalistic profession in recent years. As more individuals get their news and information from digital sources, conventional print media firms have found it difficult to change with the times. The idea that journalism is a dying profession has been fueled by the closing of newspapers and magazines, the firing of journalists, and declining advertising income.

Because access to print newspapers and magazines was restricted due to lockdowns and social distancing efforts, the COVID-19 epidemic hastened the demise of conventional journalism. To reach their audience, several news companies were compelled to cut back on print runs or switch completely to online platforms. The shift has presented difficulties for media organizations and journalists as they negotiate the digital terrain and fight for readers' attention in a congested online environment.

Furthermore, the media industry has been influenced by the global concern about paper consumption and environmental sustainability. There is a drive toward digital alternatives to cut down on paper usage and waste as more people become aware of the negative environmental effects of paper manufacture and printing. The demise of conventional print journalism has been further accelerated by this trend towards internet news sources.

In conclusion, the transition to online platforms and concerns about paper waste are the two primary problems that the newspaper industry is facing in the digital era. These factors all contribute to the sector's perceived downfall. However, efforts are being made to maintain the industry's viability and adapt to the changing environment since journalism is essential to educating the public and holding authorities accountable.