A bankrupt electrician was found guilty of strangling his ex-partner on a camping trip.

Tom Verrall, 33, jumped on and strangled Millie Windsor in the back of his Ford Transit after she accused him of lying about the state of his business which went bankrupt eight months earlier.

Verrall, of Gordon Road in Fishergate, admitted ABH but denied strangling her. He also admitted stalking Miss Windsor but denied putting her in fear of violence or causing her serious alarm or distress.

The father-of-one pinned Miss Windsor down before chucking her out of the van at a campsite in Steyning.

After a four-day trial at Lewes Crown Court, sitting at Brighton, the jury found him guilty of both charges.

Miss Windsor said she thought she was going to die and that Verrall “threw her like a bag of rubbish” during the incident which happened on August 27, 2022.

He sat with his head in his hands as she spoke in the witness stand.

Verrall claimed that it “never happened”. He said she attacked him after he admitted going on a date with a girl.

He claimed that he and Miss Windsor had been on a night out drinking at the campsite and a pub nearby.

Judge Recorder William Featherby remanded Verrall in custody to await sentence on April 19.