A rejected plan to turn a hotel into accommodation for homeless people will now be considered by the Planning Inspectorate.

The inspector will consider whether or not SDR Group should have planning permission to use the building in Windsor Road, Worthing, as shared living accommodation with 44 bedrooms divided into five self-contained annexes, each with shared kitchen, dining and living spaces.

In January 2023, Worthing's planning committee refused an application by the Sussex-based housing and social care provider.

The plan could have seen the building used as emergency accommodation for ten years.

SDR Group subsequently appealed against that decision and the matter is now in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate.

A public hearing to consider the appeal will take place at Worthing Town Hall on Tuesday, March, 26.

The inspector will review all of the written evidence and statements that have already been submitted but will also consider evidence given on the day.

The planning inspector will not make their decision immediately but will instead consider all of the material that has been provided. It is likely to be several weeks after the hearing that the inspector's decision is published.