A 16-year-old ice skater has won silver with her synchronised skating team at the British Ice Skating Championships.

Lucy Ladret, a student at Roedean School in Brighton, and her team took home the medal from the Britannia Cup event in Nottingham.

The teenager has been ice skating for ten years, having been smitten by the sport since watching the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics on TV.

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She joined London club Lee Valley and trains regularly with her team Phoenix Gold, who are competing at intermediate level and hoping to become season champions this year.

Lucy said: "It is wonderful competing at this level.

"This is my first season in the team and it was fantastic to win gold at Skate London and get a second place in Nottingham.

"I train every Sunday morning with a combination of on-ice training and off-ice stretching.

The Argus: The ice skater competed with her team

"During the week, I continue my training with more fitness, personal stretching and choreography rehearsals to ensure I’m on top form to train with my team during the weekend.

"I also have to do quite a lot of individual ice skating training with a separate coach to keep improving my skill level, which I do on Saturdays, and mostly during school holidays.

"All of this training is extremely beneficial, as it allows me to compete to the highest level in competitions.

"I hope to be able to skate in adult teams in the future, but I also want to continue with skating as it has definitely helped me in terms of organisation, discipline and resilience as well as learning about teamwork."

The Argus: She has wanted to be an ice skating since she was six-years-old

She is hoping to find a university that is close to a rink so she can continue to train.

Roedean deputy head Dr Ross Barrand said: "A big congratulations to Lucy - this is a real commitment and requires a lot of training.

"We look forward to seeing how the season progresses and fingers crossed for the team."