A man went on a two-week spree of harassing and sexually assaulting women on the seafront, a court heard.

Mohamed Abdelsalam, 25, is accused of preying on four young women by asking to use a lighter for his cigarette before harassing and then touching them without consent.

Lewes Crown Court heard yesterday that he tried to lure the women to dark areas on Brighton beach and ignored their pleas to leave them alone.

The incidents happened at night over a two-week period from February 11 last year between Volk's Railway and the i360.

The court heard that in the final incident on February 25, he kissed one woman on the neck before putting his hand inside her trousers for around 30 seconds.

The Argus: The attacks happened between Volks Railway and the i360. Pictured is the Palace PierThe attacks happened between Volks Railway and the i360. Pictured is the Palace Pier (Image: The Argus)

The woman was roller skating on the seafront but stopped for a cigarette which is when he sat next to her. She described how Abdelsalam “pushed his face into her neck” and was “forceful”.

The woman told the court that she asked him stop and cried as the attack was carried out. She finally got away when a friend called her on the phone. She went to the beach security team near the Palace Pier to report the attack.

DNA evidence was taken from the woman’s neck. The court heard that it was a billion times more likely that the DNA came from Abdelsalam than someone else.

Richard Hearnden, prosecuting, said: “In the forensic scientist’s opinion, these findings provide really strong support that some of the DNA originated from Abdelsalam rather than not coming from him.

“He tried to talk his way out of that by saying he had been handling money around Brighton.

“The way he began to approach the women, his behaviour and pattern of it got more serious as time went on.”


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A 24-year-old woman was sexually assaulted on February 11 near the Palace Pier, a 28-year-old woman a day later near Volk's Railway, a 19-year-old woman on February 16 near the i360 and a 21-year-old woman on February 25.

The court heard that Abdelsalam, of Bristol Road in Kemp Town, Brighton, was arrested in the area the same night as the incident on February 12. He was interviewed and released by police and was then arrested at his home on February 26 after the final incident.

“That sense of invincibility made him commit even more serious offences,” said Mr Hearnden.

Abdelsalam, wearing a blue hoodie and T-shirt in the dock, moved to Brighton from Leeds the month before the women were sexually assaulted.

He looked down with his head pressed against the glass for much of the trial.

Three of the four women who were attacked were able to pick out Abdelsalam at an identity parade, the court heard.

Abdelsalam chose not to stand up in court to give evidence. Christopher Prior, defending, offered no further evidence on behalf of Abdelsalam.

He denies four counts of sexual assault and one count of assault by penetration on the woman from the February 25 incident.

The jury has retired to consider a verdict.