A council leader joined protests against house building on a green area of land.

Campaigners gathered on Saturday to demonstrate against proposals to build hundreds of homes on Chatsmore Farm in Goring, north of the railway station.

Persimmon, the housing developer, has opposed Worthing Borough Council's denial of planning permission and has lost various court battles.

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A public inquiry into the issue is set to begin on Tuesday at Worthing Town Hall in Chapel Road.

Council leader Beccy Cooper, who joined the protest, said: "Worthing Borough Council has consistently refused permission to build houses on Chatsmore Farm.

"Worthing is 95 per cent developed, with the smallest amount of green space per person in the country (less than a snooker table). As we all know, green space is essential for our health and the health of our planet.

"Our requirement for homes here must now be met with our remaining brownfield sites and making better use of the housing and other buildings that we already have."