Pupils benefit from an “inspirational” curriculum at a “truly inclusive” school.

Broadwater CE Primary in Worthing has been rated good overall by Ofsted and outstanding for behaviour and personal development following an inspection in November.

The school, in Rectory Gardens, was rated outstanding at its previous inspection in 2011.

Inspectors praised it for its highly inclusive nature where “pupils' behaviour is exemplary” and “relationships between pupils and staff are warm and based on respect”.

They noted that pupils are proud of their school and “enthusiastic about their learning and their school experiences”.

The report praised the school’s “well-considered, inspirational curriculum” that all children “benefit from enormously” with pupils’ personal development being judged as outstanding and a real “strength of the school”.


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The report said: “All pupils are valued and nurtured. This creates an environment where pupils feel respected and safe.

“The school has high ambitions for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are supported to achieve well across the curriculum.

“The school’s ethos and values are a core part of school life. The school’s vision, ‘Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding’, is realised and lived out by pupils.”

Inspectors said for the school to improve it needs to refine the curriculum in some subjects.

They said: “In a few subjects, the curriculum thinking needs refining. As a result, in these few subjects, pupils’ learning is variable. The school should ensure that staff emphasise the most important content and help pupils to make links to what they have learned before, so they achieve highly across the curriculum.”

Headteacher Aaron Morrissey was pleased with the report.

“Given how stringent the current Ofsted framework is in comparison to previous approaches, we are pleased with the overall outcome,” he said.

“The report in full is extremely positive and reflects the vibrancy of day-to-day life at our school.

“The report notes we are an outstanding school around the behaviour and attitudes of our wonderful pupils, as well as the opportunities we provide for their personal development.”

Broadwater CE Primary is an oversubscribed school with 435 pupils aged four to 11.