A man sexually assaulted, stalked and controlled a woman over a six year period.

Jamie Linton, of no fixed address, subjected the woman in Hove to repeated intimidating and controlling behaviour between 2017 and 2023.

The 27-year-old would threaten to harm both the victim and himself if she reported the abuse to police, while manipulating her into lending him money and carrying out domestic chores like cooking and cleaning.

He would also control who she spoke to, becoming aggressive about harmless interactions such as a man adding her on social media.

After his victim tried to cut contact with him, he sexually assaulted her.

He continued to stalk her by turning up at her home unannounced, following her on the school run and contacting her family, even threatening to send them intimate photos he had taken of her.

His campaign of harassment continued after the woman reported the abuse to police in August 2022, as Linton pressured her throughout the investigation to withdraw her complaint.


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In October 2022 Linton was arrested on suspicion of stalking, causing actual bodily harm and coercive and controlling behaviour and was recalled to prison after breaching the terms of his licence in relation to a previous sentence.

Linton was subsequently charged with rape, sexual assault by penetration, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, engaging in coercive/controlling behaviour, stalking with fear of violence, two counts of breaching a non-molestation order, intimidating a witness and threatening to disclose private sexual photographs. He was remanded in custody in July, 2023.

At Hove Crown Court on Wednesday, he was found guilty of sexual assault by penetration, engaging in coercive/controlling behaviour, stalking with fear of violence, threats to disclose private photographs, witness intimidation and two counts of breaching a non-molestation order.

He was found not guilty of rape and causing actual bodily harm.

He will appear for sentencing at a court to be confirmed on February 16.

Detective Constable Lenka Kovarikova said: “Jamie Linton’s victim has shown incredible bravery in supporting this investigation, despite his attempts to intimidate her into disengaging.

“Thanks to her resolve, we have been able to bring him to justice.

“As we look ahead to sentencing, I hope this verdict gives confidence to other victims of physical and sexual abuse to report to police. We will believe you and we will do all we can to get you justice.”