A £10,000 a year independent school offering an alternative education is set to close down citing financial woes.

Brighton Waldorf School, also known as the Brighton Steiner School, says it is “no longer financially viable” and will close at the end of the Spring Term in March.

The school in Roedean Road, which first opened over 40 years ago, told parents and teachers that they no longer had funds to continue until the end of academic year.

The Argus understands that an email was sent to parents and staff on Wednesday evening announcing the closure.

One parent said: “There’s hundreds of people involved in the community at the school. We have made close friends through the school and it's going to be shattered.

“It’s a great education system, it really is. It’s a great way to bring up children in the right way as human beings.


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“It’s the only alternative school left in Brighton.

“We were all very upset last night.”

Brighton Waldorf School, which has 129 pupils, charges over £10,000 in tuition fees and material charges for children in Years 9 and 10.

The school specialises in Waldorf education, also known as Steiner education, a holistic style of teaching focusing on pupils' intellectual, artistic and practical skills as well as imagination and creativity.

Announcing the closure on their website a school spokeswoman said: “The school is no longer financially viable and able to deliver the high-quality education the Trustees, SLT and parents expect from the school and in accordance with its charitable objects.

“The decline in pupil numbers, due in part to reduced birth rates in the area, has meant that the school’s relatively fixed overheads exceed the school’s reduced revenue streams and as such the trustees have certain duties and obligations to take the appropriate action to mitigate losses.”

The school said that any fees paid for the Spring term had been “ring fenced” to pay to keep the school running.

Parents have been told that, in line with the school’s admissions policy, they must give a full term’s notice or pay a full term’s fees to withdraw their child before the end of term.

Brighton Waldorf School also told parents that fees “should be paid as normal and in accordance with the school’s admissions policies”. Failure to do so would “accelerate and compromise the orderly closure of the school” which they say is “not in the best interests of the children”.

The school added that the nearest alternative Waldorf schools were Michael Hall, near Ashdown Forest, and Ringwood School near Bournemouth.

The school advised parents that it is “vital that children feel reassured”, adding: “If your children are upset, it is helpful to acknowledge their emotions, but also to provide ongoing reassurance that they will continue to be safe, well and in an educational setting that supports them.

“Change is an inevitable part of life and helping the children to manage this change positively will be a good foundation for them for the future.

“We ask parents to support us in making the focus a positive transition for all the students.”

Brighton Waldorf School declined to comment to The Argus on the closure.