Dog owners have been given advice to help their pets cope with New Year's Eve fireworks.

Many people celebrate the turn of the year with fireworks and the loud, unexpected bangs can frighten animals. 

Dogs Trust Shoreham is issuing advice to help owners prepare pets who might be scared.

Adel Burnett, centre manager at Dogs Trust Shoreham, said: “Fear of fireworks is worryingly common in dogs of all age, and it can have a significant impact on their wellbeing and affect dogs at any time in their lives.

“There are lots of things owners can do to help make fireworks less stressful including having a clear plan ahead of time to help their dog cope.

"Dogs will respond to fireworks in different ways, some will want to find a cosy hiding place, whilst others will want reassurance. It is important to recognise the individual needs of your dog, letting them do what makes them feel most comfortable, if it is safe to do so.”

What should dog owners do?


  • Plan ahead - The charity said people should plan ahead by looking up any firework displays to limit any surprises and make sure their dog is not left alone.
  • Teach pups to be relaxed with noises – Sounds Scary is a firework soundtrack which can help your puppy deal with distressing noises. Learn more about how to introduce your pup to Sounds Scary on the Dogs Trust website.
  • Adapt your routine – Avoid taking your dog out when fireworks have started, gradually change their routine in the weeks leading up to events. For example, start walking them earlier in the day to allow them time to exercise and toilet before dark.  
  • Recognise the individual needs of your dog - Dogs can react very differently to fireworks. Some appear relaxed and unbothered by the whizzes and bangs; others show signs of anxiety or fear. They may show subtle signs, such as panting or licking their lips, finding somewhere to hide or seeking attention from their human family. Or they may show more obvious signs, such as pacing, barking or even toileting in the house. While these signs can be related to fear of noise, they can also indicate other underlying health problems so contact your vet for advice if you are concerned.  
  • Ensure your dog has an established safe space – Some dogs will benefit from having a safe place to retreat to should they feel worried by fireworks, whether or not they have previously shown signs of worry. Other dogs will cope best by seeking reassurance, so give them attention and comfort if they seek this out. Some dogs may not seem worried, and its best to keep them occupied with their favourite items or activities so they don’t start to get anxious.
  • Speak to your vet well ahead of fireworks events - They can help with advice and may also prescribe medication to help your dog cope. Medication can be extremely useful where dogs are fearful as it can not only help them cope during the fireworks event, but also stop their fear escalating after each event.