Flood warnings have been issued following heavy rain.

Warnings were put out this morning for the Cuckmere River around Alfriston and Barcombe Mills near Lewes.

Lullington Road near the Cuckmere is flooded, while North Street near Alfriston is expected to flood.

Roads around the river were flooded for weeks and had recently dried out.


A spokesman for the Environment Agency said:  “Following the rain from Sunday and Monday flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens, and properties including The Old Clergy House, Deans Place Hotel, and properties near North Street, Willows Car Park and River Lane, Alfriston, but will slowly start to ease.

“Access along Litlington Road may be restricted by flood water. Only very small amounts of rain are forecast over the next two days, however more rain is forecast on Thursday, which could see river levels rise again.

“Flood water can be deep and dangerous, please take care if walking near the river in Alfriston. Please plan to avoid driving on routes vulnerable to flooding, including North Street.”