It is well known that being outside provides health benefits both physically and mentally. The use of digital devices for prolonged periods of time spent inside can prove detrimental to a person's wellbeing. It's beneficial to dedicate occasional moments for taking short walks or plan longer rambles if possible. Taking a walk can break a repetitive routine and allow yourself to de-stress.


There are many leisurely activities which you can do as encouragement for you to spend time outside. As an example, you could bring along a camera to capture moments and memories, snap artistic photos or just capture the curiosities you find along the way.


Another option would involve bringing a sketchbook or notebook with you and drawing whatever you find.This could involve finding a quiet place to sit and sketch whatever you see in front of you or write about the various plants and creatures you encounter. Take inspiration by writing a journal or creating poems.


If you find yourself in an unpopulated, quiet area such as a field or a forest, you might catch a glimpse of wild deer, foxes or rarer birds before they retreat back into the thickets. During the early to late summer season, juvenile creatures such as fawns can be seen accompanied by their mothers or juvenile foxes independently exploring their surroundings or playing with their siblings.


A popular pastime by many is foraging. What you find, varies depending on the current season. It involves finding edible fruits like blackberries and wild blueberries to eat or collecting wild plants for herbal remedies. Some plants when boiled in an infusion can provide health benefits or help with simple illnesses like a cold.. But caution must be taken before using or consuming any plant which you are unsure of, there are plenty of knowledgeable books or information online for safe foraging. It is often best to check before handling.

The Argus:

These are only a handful of reasons to encourage you to step outside, other options would include fitness related activities, volunteering or attending get togethers for social benefit.

It has been said many times that the use of mobile and digital screens should be limited. I have provided some examples of recreational activities which are predominantly cost free and can reduce the average time on a screen.