Three members of an organised crime group (OCG) have been jailed for attempting to sell a firearm to a Brighton terrorist.

Edward Little, 22, of Pelham Street, Brighton, was arrested on September 23 last year while on his way to collect the firearm from the OCG for his planned attack at Hyde Park in London.

The weapon was found at an address linked to the OCG before making it into Little’s hands, and three men were later arrested.

The trio pleaded guilty to conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm at the Inner London Crown Court on November 7 and have now been sentenced to a total of more than 36 years behind bars.

Tyler King, aged 21, of Denmark Hill, Lewisham, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm, as well as possession of a prohibited firearm and three counts of possession of ammunition without lawful authority. He was sentenced to ten years and nine months imprisonment. 

Caleb Wenyeve, aged 21, of Blidworth Close, Strelley, in Nottingham was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment after also entering a guilty plea to conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm along with Reis Forde, aged 27, of HMP Rochester who was sentenced to 13 years and six months imprisonment. 

It was accepted that the defendants did not know that the firearm was intended for use in a terrorist attack.

A fourth person, Sinead Doyle, 26, of Lyon Street in Bognor, was found not guilty on all counts by a jury at the same hearing. She had been on trial for conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm and conspiracy to supply a firearm with intent to endanger life. 

Detective Chief Superintendent Olly Wright, head of Counter Terrorism Policing South East, said: “King, Wenyeve and Forde were working together to supply a viable firearm along with ammunition. 

“Although they didn’t know Edward Little’s plan to commit a terrorist attack with the firearm, they entered into an agreement with Little to sell him a fully functioning gun and live ammunition. 

“They went a step further by sending a video of the working mechanisms of the weapon as proof to the buyer that it was a viable firearm.  

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“This organised crime group was unravelled quickly. The case is a prime example of the skill of our teams in counter-terrorism policing and our determination to disrupt and bring to justice criminals whose activity could facilitate terrorism or harm our national security.   

“All cases linked to terrorism will be vigorously pursued and brought before the courts.”

On May 19, 2023, Little pleaded guilty to planning a terrorist attack at Hyde Park in London. He is due to be sentenced at the Old Bailey on December 15 for preparation of terrorist acts.