Plans to renovate and expand a café have been approved.

West Park Café in Aldwick will expand into the adjacent public toilet block, to add more customer seating, food storage, prep space, and create external bin storage, an office and a roof terrace seating area – potentially renaming it the ‘Oasis Café’.

The plans were approved by Arun District Council’s planning committee at its meeting on Wednesday, November 15.

Aldwick Parish Council and 11 residents objected to the plans due to the loss of public toilets, with some residents concerned people might ‘use the bushes’ instead, or have to be a customer in the café to use its toilets.

Council officers said the café toilets would be open to the public when the café is open, as one condition of the council-owned-building’s lease – which is able to open from 9am to 9:30pm everyday.

The café will have two unisex toilets and one disabled toilet, a reduction from the ten existing toilets, including one disabled, between the toilet block and café.