A 13-year-old boy is among those who were arrested as part of a crackdown on crime in a town.

Sussex Police have set up a pod in Crawley town centre which is staffed by officers, PCSOs and partners from the council.

In its first week, four arrests were made and 13 people were stopped and searched.

The stop and searches led to drugs being seized.

Kyle Matthews, 21, of Bowring Way, Brighton was arrested in the town centre on October 31 and later charged with theft of a handbag, containing hundreds of pounds of jewellery, from a business in Queensway.

He appeared at Crawley Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, November 15.

Officers in the town centre also arrested:

  • A 30-year-old man from Billingshurst on suspicion of possession of a Class A drug
  • A 32-year-old man from Charlwood, Surrey, on suspicion of grievous bodily harm
  • A 13-year-old boy from Crawley on suspicion of carrying a knife.

Inspector Steve Turner said: “The engagement pod has allowed us to engage with hundreds of people around a range of issues and it has received a positive public reaction.

“Our aim is to provide reassurance in the community and build a stronger, safer Crawley for everyone.”

Councillor Yasmin Khan, cabinet member for public protection at Crawley Borough Council, said: “The community pod has had some encouraging early results in tackling crime and antisocial behaviour in the town centre.

"The engagement that police, council staff and partners have seen is helping to make the area safe for all.”