Council leader Bella Sankey has vowed to act on the “toxic culture allowed to fester” at the controversial Cityclean depot in Hollingdean.

The Argus revealed today the sickening extent of racism, misogyny, homophobia, aggression and bullying at the Brighton bin depot as detailed in an independent whistleblower report.

One vulnerable employee at Cityclean killed themselves after an alternation at work, a manager was blamed for another worker having a fatal heart attack while one individual threatened to stab another of their colleagues.

In fact, while the investigation by Aileen McColgan KC was underway, a person brought a samurai sword, nun-chucks, knives and other dangerous into the depot to show their workmates, it was stated.

But Cllr Sankey says she will be taking action to ensure the behaviour is stamped out.

The Argus: 70 people gave evidence for the report70 people gave evidence for the report (Image: Andrew Gardner/The Argus)

“Anyone reading this report will be deeply shocked at what they read,” she said.

“I have rightly apologised on behalf of Brighton and Hove City Council to every member of staff, past and present, who has been affected by the toxic culture that was allowed to grow and fester within Cityclean.

“Now the depth of the bullying, aggression, racism, misogyny and homophobia have been exposed, I have vowed to take action to ensure this toxic culture is never allowed to rear its head again.

“As council leader I will accept nothing less than zero tolerance to bullying, sexism, racism, aggression and intimidation within Brighton and Hove City Council.

“The council fully accepts Aileen McColgan’s recommendations.

READ MORE: Brighton Cityclean depot: Full report into suicide, drugs and violence

“We must also look towards the council and GMB having a far better and more constructive and positive relationship at Cityclean and within the wider council for the benefit of all our staff, residents, businesses and visitors.”

Ms McColgan has put forward a number of recommendations in an effort to resolve the issues.

They include including taking firm action on behaviour, equality matters and stopping councillors getting involved in disciplinary proceedings, namely the member appeals panel, plus the day to day running of the service.