Two drug dealers triggered a huge police chase involving armed officers after fleeing from a car wash.

Patrick McCabe was at the car wash in Copthorne when he saw police and drove away at high speed in his Volkswagen Golf.

During the pursuit, McCabe, who was already a disqualified driver, was seen reaching high speeds.

The vehicle he drove was using cloned plates, which he had tried to remove to avoid detection by police.

He dangerously overtook vehicles, went through red lights and went the wrong way around a roundabout.

The 28-year-old’s driving was so dangerous that he only narrowly avoided head-on collisions with other vehicles.

Other motorists had to take evasive action including an emergency stop to avoid a crash.

But McCabe was tracked by the police helicopter as well as officers from the Tactical Firearms Unit and Crawley Response who arrived to assist colleagues with the incident, which happened on July 12.

McCabe, of no fixed address, and passenger Ronnie Beckett, 19, of Stoneycroft Walk, Ifield, then tried to run from the vehicle.

Footage showed them trying to hide from the police before then attempting to evade capture by running through people’s gardens.

But they were both arrested in a housing estate in Horley.


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Inside the car, police found a Gucci bag and a Versace bag containing cannabis and cash, as well as a bank card in McCabe’s name.

The Argus: Drugs were found in a Gucci and Versace bagDrugs were found in a Gucci and Versace bag (Image: Sussex Police)

At Lewes Crown Court on October 6 McCabe admitted dangerous driving, possession of Class B drugs with intent to supply, driving while disqualified and driving without valid insurance.

Beckett admitted possession of Class B drugs with intent to supply, breach of a suspended sentence order and failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

McCabe was sentenced to two years and five months in prison and given a new disqualification from driving for five years and four months.

Beckett was sentenced to a total of 17 weeks in prison.

Speaking after the case, Inspector Ollie Pullen from the specialist enforcement unit said: “McCabe’s driving was appalling, he showed no regard for his own safety or the safety of other road users."