Parents are being reminded of the fast-approaching deadline to apply for their child’s secondary school places.

Time is running out for families with children in Year 6, who have until midnight on Tuesday, October 31 to submit their applications for September 2024.

Applicants can select three preferred schools and can use the online mapping system on the East Sussex County Council website to search for the schools in their community area.

Councillor Bob Standley, the county council’s lead member for education and inclusion, special educational needs and disability, said: “Every year we see families whose children would have secured a place at their preferred school, if it were not for the fact that their application missed the deadline.

“Ensuring applications are submitted on time is really important to ensure that children have the best possible chance of getting a place at one of their preferred schools.

"From the 2023 applications received on time, 97 per cent were allocated one of their preferred schools.”