A report has criticised a county council’s lack of urgency in addressing a shortfall of school places.

In July 2023, Open Box Consulting was commissioned by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to carry out a review after pupils in Shoreham were allocated year 7 places at a school in Worthing which they had not named as one of their preferences.

This happened as there were insufficient places available at schools closer to their homes.

The report, published last week, said the council knew that there would be a shortage of year 7 places for 2023/24 from 2017, and projections submitted to the Department of Education indicated that the council was aware that there would first be a shortage of year 7 places in 2019/20.

It said there was limited urgency to progress the permanent expansion of places in Shoreham or Lancing and detailed the actions the local authority “could have taken to help reduce the impact on the Shoreham community of extra places not being provided at Shoreham Academy (SA) and Sir Robert Woodard Acedemy (SRWA) secondary”.

The report said: “The combination of the projected demand and the lack of urgency to establish or implement a strategy beyond the initial ‘sticking plaster’ of (SRWA) surplus space indicates that WSCC accepted (whether by choice or default) that pupils would need to attend schools further away.

“There was no discussion with schools about the potential impact of their over-subscription criteria upon who would – and who would not – be likely to secure places at either SA or SRWA once there were insufficient places to meet demand from their catchment areas; and there was no preparation of families for the likely outcome of the admissions process on March 1, 2023.”

West Sussex County Council said it accepted the findings.

Councillor Jacquie Russell, cabinet member for children, young people, learning and skills said: “We fully accept the findings from the independent report, which we consider to be thorough and extensive in its analysis of the situation and takes into consideration the complexities of the roles and responsibilities of local authorities in providing sufficient school places.

“West Sussex County Council remain committed to ensuring that every child in West Sussex has the opportunity to fulfil their potential in education.”

Following publication of the report the council said it is taking action to help rectify the situation for future years.

This includes engaging with schools who are their own admissions authority to influence policy change where it could benefit a significant number of children and families, providing sufficient notice and information to parents in any areas where pressures on school places could result in a number of families not receiving one of their three preferences.

It will also complete a review of the eligibility to home to school transport assistance.

For any parents and carers currently applying for secondary school places for the next academic year, applications are open until midnight on October 31, 2023.