With regard to the letter from Gill Murr about the Easthill Park event I performed at (Letters, June 23), I would like to offer the other side of the story.

I would like to offer my sincere apologies to Ms Murr if she was offended by the words in my music or the story of how I used to be deaf, was picked out of more than a thousand people at the Church of Christ the King (CCK), prayed for in the name of Jesus, and healed on the spot.

Although I respect her opinion of my performance, to which everyone is entitled, she failed to mention the children dancing to the music, crowd participation and the brilliant atmosphere. If it was truly as bad as she said, I'd have to question why I was signing autographs, engaging in numerous positive conversations and selling CDs, etc, after the show.

Perhaps it is more a case of her own personal dislike towards the message of mercy that I was speaking?

Though Ms Murr was correct that I attend CCK, my church had nothing to do with the event at Easthill Park. The organisers booked me directly.

I would like to take this opportunity to mention the release of my fourth album on July 21, titled Straight From The Heart.

I would like to offer Ms Murr a complementary copy ahead of the release date as a goodwill gesture.

  • MC Tempo, Clarendon Villas, Hove