A community space is celebrating a decade of neighbourhood ownership with a month-long festival with quizzes, bake-offs and comedy nights.

Exeter Street Hall in Exeter Street, Brighton, was bought by residents in 2013 and became a place to host events and act as a community hub.

Now, after a decade of success at the “heart of Prestonville”, the hall is hosting a month-long celebration from September 8 to 30.

Susan Corlett, manager of Exeter Street Hall, said: “These events showcase everything that’s great about our community hall.

“We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones while celebrating the things that bring us together.”


To celebrate the new lease of life for the Victorian building, the “Hall for All” festival will include a music quiz, comedy night and junior bake-off competition among other events.

The hall will host a Brighton and Hove Albion night for football fans as well as an art exhibition from pupils at the nearby Stanford Infant and Junior Schools.

The event aims to raise £10,000 towards a new block of toilets for the building.

Exeter Street Hall was bought from a church in 2013 with more than 900 people contributing funds.