Activists protested outside an MP’s office, urging him to “do more” to tackle climate change.

Members of the Green New Deal Rising group were at Peter Kyle’s office in Hove yesterday as they looked to Labour to address the “climate emergency”.

Hove MP Mr Kyle, who is shadow minister for Northern Ireland, did not speak to the protesters as they voiced their demands.

Hermione Berendt, 28, a member of the group from Brighton, said: “We are outside Peter Kyle’s office again today because we want to see Labour commit to ambitious action that is fitting for the climate crisis, the energy crisis and the cost-of-living crisis that are impacting us locally, nationally and around the world.

“We will keep coming back to remind Peter Kyle and the Labour Party that they can't ignore young people in Brighton and Hove's voices on this.”

The protest was part of a national campaign by Green New Deal Rising pressuring the Labour Party to “be bold” in its manifesto pledges ahead of the next UK general election, which will be held before December 2024.

The group criticised the Labour Party’s "failure to adequately respond to repeated calls from young people for rapid decarbonisation, a just transition to a low emissions economy and investment in green jobs”.

Similar protests were staged in London, Greater Manchester and Exeter targeting other members of the Shadow Cabinet.

Members are demanding the Labour Party commits to passing legislation which expands public ownership, taxes wealth, delivers a green jobs guarantee and a living income, enacts a National Nature Service and makes polluters pay globally, all in the first 100 days after the election.

A representative of the group said Labour is failing young voters and refusing to show leadership to tackle the climate crisis.

“Just this year people have experienced extreme weather events like flash flooding and heatwaves, they have died of freezing cold and children have gone to bed starving,” they said.

“We also need to see real commitment to tackling the climate crisis, making polluters pay and creating opportunities so that every single person who wants a job in the green economy can get one.”

Mr Kyle was contacted for comment.