A council leader has joined faith representatives in condemning hate and antisemitism after a teenager was charged with terrorism related offences.

Mason Reynolds, 18, of Moulsecoomb Way, Brighton, was arrested on June 27 with counter-terrorism police saying his 11 charges are linked to an “extreme right-wing ideology”.

He is also charged with five counts of dissemination of terrorist publications and a further count of possessing an article for the purpose of terrorism.

He appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court last week and will next appear at the Old Bailey on July 21.

Councillor Bella Sankey, leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, said: "We condemn antisemitism and hate in all its forms. I want to reassure the Jewish community and all those affected by this that we stand with you.

"The values of equality, justice and tolerance run through our city and we reject any attempt to divide, threaten or commit acts of violence in our communities."

Faith leaders, as part of the council’s One Voice Partnership, have united to condemn anti semitism.

Mahir Chowdhury, chairman of the Racial Harassment Forum said communities in the city are saddened to learn that someone had allegedly conducted online research into one of their local synagogues.

"Sadly, the threat from terrorism and the threat to our Jewish communities from terrorism are both real," he said.

Sabri Ben-Ameur from the Brighton and Hove Muslim Forum said the city “must challenge and stamp out” all forms of hate “inspired by far-right Neo-Nazi groups”.

"We stand in solidarity with the Jewish communities in our city and will continue our great tradition of unity and respect for all in our city,” he said.

Reverend Dr Godfrey Kesari, Interfaith Adviser for the Diocese of Chichester said he “strongly” condemns antisemitism.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with our sisters and brothers at the Hebrew congregation and Jewish community at such a challenging time,” he said.

"We all stand together in our fight against hatred and violence and work together for peace, reconciliation and common good."

The Sussex Jewish Representative Council asked people to be “mindful” of their language and the way they put their views forward in public and on social media.

"This is a stark reminder of the ongoing threat the Jewish community faces from those fomenting antisemitic views,” a spokesman said.

"These extremist views do not come from just one side of the political spectrum, and it is important to understand that hate speech, whatever its political root, can create a hostile environment in which antisemitism can flourish.

"The use of casual antisemitic tropes and rhetoric creates a fertile ground for those harbouring hatred and anti-Jewish racism. The small Jewish community of Brighton and Hove should feel safe to practice and demonstrate our faith without the threat of terrorism, violence, or hostility.”

Brighton and Hove Faith In Action said it stands with the Jewish community against antisemitism.

"We must always guard against prejudice, intolerance and radicalisation ensuring all communities and individuals are safe in our city,” a spokesman said.

Brighton and Hove Interfaith Contact Group stated: "We must look out and care for each other and ensure that individuals and communities are not singled out in our city. We work with people of all faith and none."

Billie Lewis and Meg Brosnan, managers of the Ledward Centre in Brighton, the LGBTQ+ centre, said: "We stand firm that any threats and acts of violence, antisemitism, and hate must stop.

"We stand together to counter the threat from the extreme-right-wing and stand with our Jewish communities against all forms of racism and hate."

A council spokesman said the police and other agencies continue to work to keep the public safe and that there is no further risk to the safety of the city and communities.