A wildfire prevention patrol is being launched after hot weather last summer led to “devastating” blazes.

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (WSFRS) is establishing the patrol in and around Midhurst in a bid to “minimise the risk of significant fires taking hold”.

The fire service is asking for help from residents, regular visitors and dog walkers who can be the eyes and ears of the fire service in the countryside this summer.

The warmer weather and longer periods without rain mean the land is very dry.

Therefore, the risk of a “significant wildfire” taking hold and causing “extensive damage” rises considerably in July and August.

Last summer, during record-breaking temperatures, WSFRS asked people to avoid having bonfires and barbecues after several significant wildfires in the county.

Even after temperatures fell, the ground was very dry so a high risk of severe wildfires remained for much of the month.

 “When a wildfire takes hold the consequences can be absolutely devastating, both for the biodiversity of the South Downs, but also our homes and businesses,” said Matt Gamble, Midhurst watch manager and WSFRS’s wildfires tactical advisor.

“During the summer months when rainfall is lower, the ground becomes tinder-box dry and once a fire starts it can become incredibly difficult to bring under control.

“There are some simple steps that everyone can take to minimise the risk of starting a wildfire in the first place, like taking litter home with you, extinguishing cigarettes responsibly, and not starting open fires or BBQs in open spaces after periods of prolonged dry weather.

“But we cannot eradicate those risks all of the time, and that’s where our new wildfire prevention patrol comes in.

"Those that come forward will be given full training to identify the risks that could lead to a fire breaking out, and ultimately become our eyes and ears out and about in the countryside to give us an early warning when fires take hold.”

WSFRS will be offering training sessions for those interested in becoming part of the wildfire prevention patrol over the next few weeks.

To find out more or sign up for a training session please contact WSFRS’s prevention team on frs.cptt@westsussex.gov.uk.