Mountain biking has been banned at a woodland in the city with new council signage warning that those who disobey may be prosecuted.

The sign, in Wild Park, Brighton, says “no mountain biking” in an area where hobbyists can often be seen performing tricks.

Lisa Watson Boswood, who lives nearby, posted one of the signs on Facebook.

She told The Argus: “My boyfriend rides there and noticed the poster.

“It's crazy that the council would do this. I don’t see what harm people are doing.”

She said the posters are by the council’s city parks team.

The signs read: “No mountain biking.

“Mountain biking in this area poses a health and safety risk and can cause environmental damage.

“Anyone riding a mountain bike in this area is trespassing and may be prosecuted.”

The Argus: The sign in Wild ParkThe sign in Wild Park (Image: Lisa Watson-Boswood)

Responding to Ms Watson Boswood’s post on Facebook, James Trotman said: “Absolute nonsense. That notice has no legal basis whatsoever.”

Joy Flowers, who lives in Brighton, added: “I still have no idea how they will police this in remote woodland.”

The Argus understands that the council has put up the signage because damage caused by cyclists can lead to costs to the taxpayer.

Brighton and Hove City Council was contacted for comment.