A man who exposed his penis towards members of the public in Brighton after urinating in a drain has been convicted of outraging public decency.

Ajmal Aminzai, 41, of Ashbourne Parade, Ealing, was also banned from driving after being caught behind the wheel, over the alcohol limit on the same day.

The incidents happened on June 18, 2022, in Brighton, but Aminzai appeared in court in 2023.

He urinated into a drain before exposing his penis towards two members of the public.

Aminzai pleaded guilty to the offence and his guilty plea was taken into account during sentencing.

He was fined £40 for the offence.

In addition to the offence of outraging public decency, Aminzai also pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle when his alcohol level exceeded the limit.

He was driving in Kings Road, Brighton, after consuming alcohol.

Aminzai's breath alcohol level was found to be 65 micrograms per 100ml, which exceeded the prescribed limit.

As a result, he was fined £120 and received a mandatory disqualification from driving for a period of 19 months.

Aminzai was also ordered to pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service in the amount of £85.

A surcharge of £64 was also imposed.