Green councillors have been accused of “mischief making” in their approach to cycle lane plans in the city.

The Labour council has embarked on a redesign of a new £475,000 cycle lane along the A259 in Hove which aims to address concerns from residents.

The redesign will aim to scrap plans to separate the two cycle lanes by footpaths as well as remove the cycle lane “loop” around the King Alfred Leisure Centre in favour of a continuous two-way lane along the seafront road.

However, Green councillors and activists have objected to the plans claiming Labour are attempting to scrap the planned cycle lane, something the council strongly denies.

Former Green councillor Elaine Hills accused Labour of being “climate change enablers” and “dirty air advocates” for redesigning the A259 cycle lane project and for reviewing increases in parking charges.

“By dropping ready-to-go schemes and initiatives to discourage unnecessary car trips, Labour are failing Brighton and Hove," she said.

“Their agenda will set active travel back for years, jeopardise future funding and cut our chances of reaching net zero by 2030."

However, council leader Bella Sankey said the Green Party had “form for mischief making” on issues such as active travel.

In an exclusive interview with The Argus, she said: “I’m saddened that this issue, under their administration, became so polarised and toxic because I don’t think it needs to be.

“I don’t actually think this stuff is hard. I think it is possible to design an integrated transport system for our city that allows pedestrians to get about with ease on foot, that allows cyclists to get around our whole city safely and that allows motorists to also flow around the city particularly from east to west.”

Cllr Sankey said the council had a responsibility to ensure the project is done correctly given it is on a strategically important road for the city and the region.

She said: “It makes so much more sense to get it right now rather than invest money and then later down the line try and produce the much higher quality product we think we can produce now.

“I believe this is the fiscally responsible approach to this issue and I believe it is incumbent on us to get this right, not just for this portion of the seafront but for the whole of the seafront as well.”

Green group leader Steve Davis criticised Cllr Sankey's comments and said: "The issue of cycle lanes in the city became polarised when Labour scrapped the Old Shoreham Road cycle lane and cost the city hundreds of thousands of pounds before defiantly defending their decision despite widespread criticism across the board.

"Throughout the last few years and continuing even now with the A259 and Valley Gardens decisions, Labour have shown disinterest in cycle lanes and active travel schemes, causing lengthy delays and jeopardising essential funding as our city becomes more polluted and congested.

"Residents and Greens raising concerns is not 'mischief making' - it's democratic accountability and scrutiny in action."