Cast iron masks have been removed from Madeira Terrace ahead of its restoration due to safety concerns.

Brighton and Hove City Council made the decision to remove the eight masks of Neptune and Venus because the carvings were loose and there was a risk they could fall on someone.

The council said the masks, which were on bays 38, 44, 55, 62, 66, 67 and 82,  have been tagged and stored in the onsite storage cabins for reinstatement.

Planning documents said: “There are already a number of masks that are noted to be missing from the structure. During the installation of the structural propping it was noted that a pair of masks were loose and hanging down.

“On closer inspection of the other masks, it was found that where the outer mask was missing there were still masks present to the inner face at six locations, which were also at risk of falling.

The Argus: Masks have been removed and put into storageMasks have been removed and put into storage (Image: The Argus)

“Due to operatives undertaking cleaning operations beneath the arches as well as frequent unauthorised entry to the site, it was agreed that these should be removed as a health and safety measure.

“To bay 82 a pair of masks had dropped down and were hanging precariously and there were several bays where the mask to one of the faces was no longer present but was still fixed to the reverse face, with very little holding it in place.

“The loose masks present a potentially serious health and safety issue if they were to fall on somebody below and in consultation with a BHCC conservation officer it was agreed that these should be removed in the interests of health and safety.”

The first phase of the restoration to 40 arches between Madeira Terrace Shelter Hall (also known as Concorde 2) and the Royal Crescent steps will begin in the autumn.

The council said more and more of the  Grade II listed structure, originally built in the late 1800s, has been closed to the public since 2014 because the local marine environment has degraded the structure and made it unsafe.