A stepdad suffered a fractured skull after two egg-throwing teens punched and kicked him while he was defenceless on the floor.

Joshua Moody and Anthony Hayward were part of a group who threw eggs at the man and his family while they were sat minding their own business in a Domino’s pizza restaurant.

After standing up to the pair the yobs knocked the 53-year-old unconscious before punching and kicking him while he laid on the floor.

The duo also attacked the man’s stepson at the restaurant in Heathfield High Street after he tried to intervene. He also suffered injuries to his eyes in the attack on November 30, 2019.

Sussex Police Detective Constable Jon Moore said: “The victims in this case were peacefully enjoying a pizza but were disturbed by a large group of youths who had congregated outside and were causing issues for the local community, including throwing eggs.

“The attack has had profound and long-lasting effects on the family who were doing nothing but trying to have a family meal out together.”

Moody, 20, was found to be the ringleader of the group and alongside Hayward, 21, was charged with two counts of causing Grievous Bodily Harm.

Moody, of Hammonds Green, denied the offences but was found guilty in a trial at Hove Crown Court. Hayward, of Waldron Thorns, pleaded guilty.

The pair were both jailed for their part in the assault. Hayward was given a year in prison while Moody received four years as he refused to accept responsibility for his crimes.

Both of the sentences were lighter as the pair were under 18 at the time of the attack. The judge noted that Moody’s sentence would have been far greater had he been tried as an adult.