A rapper whose song about mental health which proved a hit on TikTok has released the full song.

Jed Wright, who goes by the name Jed, lost someone he knew to suicide and made the pledge to check up on friends and open up to them more himself.

Despite his intentions, the 23-year-old, from Brighton, did not do this and felt he let his pride win rather than open up and be vulnerable to friends.

Jed wrote the song around a year ago and said he felt “frustrated” at himself.

The Argus: Jed speaks about societies struggles with opening up and using drink and drugs to hide from problemsJed speaks about societies struggles with opening up and using drink and drugs to hide from problems (Image: Jed Wright)

He released snippets of the songs on social media platform TikTok which garnered around 100,000 views and plenty of positive feedback.

Now, Jed has released the full track called Pride Will Win and hopes people enjoy the “completely honest” lyrics.

Jed, originally from Devon, told The Argus: “Someone I knew passed away from suicide and I remember thinking at the time that I needed to message everyone, message all my friends. I’m not good at telling people how I feel or people telling me how they feel.

“Me and my mates aren’t that good at that, never have been. So I planned to message everyone, checking in on everyone every few weeks. A few months passed and I realised I messaged one of them once. I was annoyed with myself, frustrated at not being able to open up.


“That’s why the song is called Pride Will Win because you think you’re strong dealing with your own s*** but really it’s just weak, you’re too scared to tell anyone how you feel.

“It came from a place of frustration more than anything and I wondered why that was. Why do people find it so difficult.

“The first verse is about the societal reasons, drinking and doing drugs. The second verse more tells the story of an individual who is refusing to open up and getting progressively worse.”

The full song was released last Friday and the music video is expected to next week.

Singer Brieya May, also from Brighton, joins Jed for the song which was produced by JustDanBeats.

Jed is hoping to release a full album for this single in June.

He has previously got praise from 20-year-old rapper ArrDee, also from Brighton, who grew in popularity in 2021.

Jed added: “I was surprised when it did well. I felt slightly nervous to post it because it’s opening up. It’s not something I have done yet, my other music is about going out and getting drunk, having parties.

“Everyone has their struggles, the song has done by far the best out of any other songs I have released. On TikTok it has overall like 100,000 views on a couple of videos.

“The best thing to do is be completely honest in my song writing.”

For more information about Jed, click here or visit his Instagram @JedMusic8.