A train line connecting rural towns will see its services doubled with its new timetable.

Southern’s proposed timetable changes from May mean services from Three Oaks and Winchelsea stations, both near Hastings, currently once every two hours, will be increased to once an hour.

The Marshlink community rail partnership (CRP), part of the Southeast Communities Rail Partnership has welcomed the proposed timetable changes, which it says will provide “more reliable connections”.

There will also be a much more regular spacing of trains between Hastings and Eastbourne.


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Kevin Boorman, chair of the Marshlink CRP, said: “The community rail partnership works with local communities to encourage people to travel by train and to get involved in their local railway.

“We have been asking for improved Marshlink services for some time now. Buses do not serve Three Oaks, the train is the only timetabled public transport the village has, so doubling the service is great news. It’s also great for Winchelsea station too, which is very popular with walkers as well as residents.

“We are also pleased to see the improved timetable between Hastings and Eastbourne, making it much more of a ‘turn up and go’ service.

“We are delighted that Southern is improving our local train services here.”