A mother has been told how she had to flee from Ukraine with two of her children.

Maryana Kolino revealed her story as dozens gathered for a vigil to commemorate one year since the Russian invasion.

Maryana ran from Ternopil in Ukraine to the Polish border with her son and daughter days after Russia began its invasion of the country in February last year.

The mother of three had to leave her oldest son, who is training to be a doctor, and her husband behind.

Her oldest son currently works in a Ukrainian hospital in an intensive care unit.

“It was apocalyptic,” Maryana said.

“It was hell.

“It wasn’t until the second day that we realised it was real.

“We were in shock.

“My daughter, who was four and a half years old, said ‘I don’t want to die’.

“My husband pushed me and said please go take the children.”

Maryana has continued to help the war effort from Lewes by volunteering with Stand for Ukraine and has been taking supplies over to her country.

She told her story as people gathered at All Saints Church in Hove on Saturday to share their stories of resilience and support in the face of war.

A living library captured the stories of Ukrainians who have come to Brighton, with a photo exhibition, speakers and moving musical performances.

People from the Ukrainian community in Brighton and Hove chatted over coffee and cake as they shared their experiences of the past year.

Messages of support were also read out on behalf of Peter Kyle MP and Caroline Lucas MP, who spoke of their pride of Brighton and Hove in its support of Ukraine and said that support would continue.

“Brighton and Hove is still with you,” was the message from the MPs.

Mayor of Brighton Councillor Lizzie Deane also addressed those gathered.

The event was organised by community group Stand for Ukraine Brighton and Hove.

Brighton and Hove has welcomed more than 500 Ukrainian refugees since the war started on February 24, 2022.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions of people displaced in the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War.