Work to prop parts of Madeira Terrace are set to begin ahead of its restoration.

Brighton and Hove City Council said temporary structural propping work will take place to four of the 152 bays beneath the Brighton structure from next week.

The Grade II listed terrace is regularly inspected to identify any recommended works, such as propping, which may be required to prevent further weakening of the structure.

Following recommendations from the latest inspection, structural steelwork will be installed at four locations along the length of the terrace ahead of the first phase of the major renovation project, which begins in the autumn.

It comes after the scheme was dealt a heavy blow when the council’s bid for £9.55 million from the levelling up fund was rejected by the government.

The bid included plans for the 200-year-old green wall and to improve access to the area for deprived communities in Whitehawk.

The council said propping work specifically excludes any elements relating to the Green Wall.

To enable the propping work to take place the fig tree to the eastern end of Madeira Terrace will need to be coppiced, as this is currently preventing access to two of the bays which require structural support the council said.

Coppicing is a traditional method of tree and shrub management which involves cutting the plant to ground level.

This promotes the fresh growth of many smaller shoots, which quickly grow upwards.

Where plants are growing at a high-level in the bays and covering the beams on the underside of the arches, these will be cut back to allow a structural inspection of these beams to be done.

Without being able to fully survey the structure concealed deterioration to the beams could weaken the terrace, the council said.

Contractors will also remove metal and timber debris beneath the arches to allow safe access for the propping work to be carried out.

The council said this will be “carefully” managed to ensure that the Green Wall to the rear is protected, even where vegetation has started to grow around the debris.

No pesticides will be used in this work.

Council Leader Phelim Mac Cafferty said: “Over the last 130 years it’s inevitable that the coastal weather has weakened some of the structure of Madeira Terraces.

“In order that we fully understand the nature of the problem, specialist teams are now inspecting the structure so restoration can get underway. Extra steel supports will be installed to help prop up the Terraces to keep the structure safe as this necessary work happens.

“Local experts are working with council teams to secure this next step on the path to a restored Madeira Terrace. Longer term, the new Terrace will signal a rejuvenated eastern seafront with a valued asset for generations to come.”