A woman has condemned a person who let off a firework near a crowded beach.

It happened during the annual Christmas Day swim in Brighton.

Beachgoers said there was a "loud explosion" which startled swimmers and people who had packed the pebbles to watch them.

A person was believed to have set alight a firework on the promenade just as the swimmers were taking a dip.

Suzi Boseley, who was among those on the beach, condemned the behaviour. She said: “They literally ruined the morning for this lovely family next to us. They had a dog and two kids, and all were screaming.”

The Argus: Hundreds of people were on the beach watching the festive eventHundreds of people were on the beach watching the festive event (Image: Andrew Gardner)

Another witness said: “It sounded like a bomb, a subsonic explosion.

"We were all focused on the sea swimmers when we were startled by the explosion. I turned around and could see a puff of smoke above the crowd.

“With the fact that there was a crowd of people in a public place, it briefly crossed my mind that it could’ve been something worse than a firework.”

The law states that fireworks must not be set off or thrown in the street or other public places, and it is an offence to do this in or into any highway, street, or public space.

Police guidance says: “Used irresponsibly, fireworks can cause damage to property and do significant harm to people and animals. Not only is there a danger from fireworks exploding, they can also pose a serious fire risk as well.

"This is why members of the public may only use fireworks on private property, such as their back gardens, and only licensed professionals can use them in public places.”

Sussex Police and East Sussex Fire and Rescue service have been contacted for comment.