Graham John Atkinson emails: "I first experienced The Argus as a young Sapper stationed at Broadbridge Heath (Horsham) as part of the bomb diposal unit and various defusing incidents were covered by the newspaper.

"I stayed in Brighton with relatives and grew to love everything about Brighton and Brightonians. It was a different atmosphere to which I was brought up in the industrial potteries. I was ashamed of my locality and untruths regarding such lost me a dear friend.

"Sally (nee Bulpett) from West Chiltington accompanied me on many occasions in Brighton and on my return from Christmas Island in 1959 we had dreams of settling in there. But it was not to be. Memories of her have remained with me and so have memories of Brighton. I spent a lot of time there with my cousin Gerrard Cashmore Smith in Graham Avenue, Patcham.

"At 70, Brighton remains my treasured memory. If Sally reads this, I wish to convey belated best wishes to her and her husband - I believe his name is Peter. I hope they are still in fine health, recouping all the fine treatment she gave as a nurse.

"My reasons are honourable, as are my intentions. She was my angel and later in life you need to know all the angels you can.

"After all these years, I still have The Argus sent to me regularly from friends down in Sussex.

"Not bad, considering the first photo the paper took of me 58 years ago I was a young squaddie in a hole 8ft deep washing a 125kg bomb to find the fuse prior to the removal. If the bomb had gone up, the photographer would have caught me and my officer on the way down!"

If you can help Graham, write to 22 Rownall Road, Werrington, Stoke -on-Trent, Staffordshire ST9 OJB, or email