The owner of a popular cafe has vowed to continue his fight against parking charges by offering customers money off their pay and display tickets.

Chris Kraszewski says he will continue employing somebody to warn drivers pulling up for a cup of tea about the pay and display rules despite a council official warning him about the practice.

Mr Kraszewski, who runs the busy Carats cafe on Southwick Beach, has been handing people 25p towards the cost of their parking to try to encourage people back.

The seasonal car parking charges came into effect last year and run from April until September.

Mr Kraszewski, who has owned the cafe for six years, claimed at the time that his business had been hit by as much as £300 a day.

Despite an initial complaint from Adur District Council, which operates the car park, Mr Kraszewski has vowed to carry on.

He said: "I will carry on until such a time they can legally tell me I'm not allowed to do it or such a time when they feel they must inform more people about what they're doing because it's not fair."

A council spokeswoman said: "Adur District Council is always happy to work with local businesses and we are happy with Mr Kraszewski's arrangements to offer his customers 25p to offset their parking fee.

"We have advised him about health and safety and road safety and as long as nobody has any problems getting in or out of the car park it's fine."

What do you think of 25p subsidy handed out by Mr Kraszewski? Tell us below.