Publicans across Britain are being asked to put signs in their windows banning Alistair Darling from their pubs because of the damage he is doing to their business by putting 4p on a pint of beer, 14p on a bottle of wine and 55p on spirits.

Given the way she has treated Brighton and Hove, Hazel Blears should receive the same treatment in all the public buildings in our city and in the other 50 or so towns and cities damaged by her actions.

As Communities and Local Government Secretary she has been responsible for a below-inflation grant for services in the city for 2008-09, which has led to job losses and service cuts.

More of the same will follow in the next two financial years.

Ms Blears has also taken her axe to Supporting People, the funding system that supports services for the most vulnerable members of society, among them those with mental health problems and learning difficulties.

During the period 2008-11, the budget for these services will be cut by a lamentable total of at least 20%, if inflation is taken into account.

Let's get those unwanted posters up now.