A mystery object has materialised from nowhere like Doctor Who's Tardis.

Countless bemused people have contacted The Argus over the past two days to speculate on what the other-worldly structure could be.

Initial reports on April Fool's Day led people to believe the mirrored wigwamshaped object was a hoax.

Others suspected it housed hidden cameras either to snare speeding motorists or fly-tippers.

The oddity was first spotted on Tuesday on the grass verge at the side of Roedean Road in Brighton.

Phone calls to Brighton and Hove authorities and the nearby Roedean School have unearthed no clues to solve the mystery.

Phillip Harrison, 30, of New England Road, Brighton, said: "I run past there regularly and it just seemed to appear overnight. I went up close and it looked as though it was bolted to the ground, though I can't be sure of that. I thought it might have been put there by art students from the nearby school."

Matthew Littlewood, 26, of Lewes Road, Brighton, said: "It looks familiar and I think they are being used by the police or council to hide cameras.

"But it seems a bit far away from the road to catch speeding motorists so it is more likely there to catch people who dump their rubbish."

Others have speculated it was a piece of public art which had been put up elsewhere in the country before appearing in Brighton.

Mark Bateson, 32, of Hartington Road, Brighton, said: "I'm sure I have seen it somewhere before. I think I have seen it on the TV when it was put somewhere else in the country."

A Brighton and Hove City Council spokesman said the authority didn't know anything about the structure.

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said: "It's nothing to do with us. There are certainly no police cameras inside."

A Roedean School spokeswoman said: "It certainly isn't anything to do with the school. Nobody knows what it is."

Do you know what it is? Call the newsdesk on 01273 544512 or comment below.