A 24-year-old has been named the "yummiest mummy" in Sussex.

Carlie Collier and her eight-week- old daughter Dulcie wowed judges in the countywide competition.

More than 70 mums vied for the crown.

Carlie, from Newhaven, was chosen for her good looks by public votes.

Her prize was a hair and beauty makeover along with a photo-shoot.

Carlie said: "I've really enjoyed the whole experience.

Dulcie and I have had a great day and the photos are amazing."

Faye Collyer, from Phase Photographic, which ran the competition, said: "There were quite a few hot mums and we wanted to spoil them. It shows that mums can be glamorous too."

Two runners-up were Amanda Hillen and her daughter Skye, and Victoria Pizer and baby Abigail. They also won a photo session.

The mothers were featured on Southern FM's website. The competition comes following The Argus revelation that mothers are increasingly doing all they can to be more glamorous.

A survey found they are spending £670 million a year - £1,062 each - on themselves and their baby before and just after the birth. The research by Egg on Mumsnet.com found a quarter felt pressurised into buying a designer buggy costing up to £500.

Mothers spent an average £123 on themselves, with 87% buying clothes and having their hair done shortly after the birth.

Others visited the beautician (15%) while a small number employed a personal trainer (2.8 %).

Carrie Longton, co-founder of Mumsnet.com, said: "Buy what's best for you. The best thing would be to get someone to take baby out while mum has a sleep - that's priceless."

Do you know a yummier mummy? Nominate her below.