Half of the pubs and shops tested in a police sting are facing court after being caught selling alcohol to underage teens.

Police described the results of the operation in Shoreham, Sompting and Lancing as "shocking" and warned of a crackdown on premises flouting the law.

Worryingly officers said the operation appeared to show that while smaller shops were being vigilant, the larger stores were more cavalier about breaking the law.

Inspector James Asser, based in Shoreham, said: "We are shocked with the result to be honest.

"Considering there is a national campaign about sellling alcohol to people who are underage and most shops display signs saying if people do not look 21 or over they will be asked for ID we are very disappointed.

"Young children are walking into a premises and being served alcohol without having to show any proof of their age at all.

"Adults can manage alcohol to a certain extent but the message from Shoreham police is that we are keen to let licensees know that we will be issuing fines and talk to them."

Six businesses provided drinks for 16-year-old police cadets during random licensing checks on Friday(March28) night.

Cadets were sent to five premises in Shoreham and eight in Lancing and Sompting.

Insp Asser said the checks were usually done at random although some intelligence received from members of the public who have concerns about premises is also used.

He told The Argus: "Having a licence is not a foregone conclusion. People are given a licence to regulate the sale of the things like alcohol.

"We will be doing this again and expect to see an improvement in the figures."

Somerfield in North Road, Lancing, and Alldays in Test Road, Sompting, failed to ask the cadets for identification.

The Sompting Abbott pub served alcohol to am underage cadet.

In Shoreham, the One Stop in Buckingham Road, and the Angel Bar, in East Street, were caught out.

A third premises currently under investigation hasn't been named.

DI Dave Wilkins said: "The small, privately owned shops we went to were very vigorous in their attempts to stop underage sales but the larger stores were a bit more relaxed.

"It is very important for us to let people know this is an ongoing police operation to crack down on underage sales."

Employees who sold alcohol to an underage teen were issued with £80 on-the-spot fines. The licensee of each premises will be interviewed by police who will make a decision whether to charge them.

Are supermarkets to blames for underage binge drinking - or is it the parents? Join the debate below.