Police have renewed an appeal for witnesses after a man became seriously ill in a police cell.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and Sussex Police are investigating the hours leading up to 39-year-old Garry Reynolds' arrest early on March 2 in West Street, Brighton.

Mr Reynolds, from Southwick, was arrested at 2.35am and taken into custody and at 11am was found seriously ill in his police cell.

He was later taken to hospital in a critical condition.

Officers are keen to trace three people who were in Eastern Road, Brighton, between 1.50am and 2am just before Mr Reynolds was arrested.

The first was a young woman who got out of a taxi outside Sussex Mansions in Eastern Road.

Police are also looking for a couple who were in the area.

They were walking on the south side of Eastern Road, with the man closest to the kerb. He is described as middle-aged and was wearing a light coloured, possibly beige coat.

Police are asking anyone who saw him in Brighton between midnight and 1.50am on the day, or who has any information about his whereabouts, to contact them on 0845 6070999, quoting Operation Flansham or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The IPCC, who are involved because Mr Reynolds became ill while in police custody, want to hear from witnesses in West Street who saw Mr Reynolds arrive in a taxi and his subsequent arrest.

They are asked to call 0800 096 9071 or email brighton.witnessappeal@ipcc.gov.uk