A young father died after losing control of his motorbike and ploughing through a metal fence at about 100mph, an inquest heard yesterday.

Adam Sutton was killed when he lost control of his 1,000cc Yamaha YZF-R1 motorbike.

Witnesses told how Mr Sutton "somersaulted" off his bike, slid down a steep embankment and smashed through the garden fence of a house in Avis Road, Newhaven, which has a speed limit of 40mph.

Mr Sutton, 30, and fiancee Hannah Beniston, of Blois Road, Lewes, had earlier spent the day at a friend's wedding.

Between the service and the reception Mr Sutton went home to ride the powerful bike he called his "new toy".

He never made it back to the wedding reception.

Thomas Hastings, of Rookery Way, Seaford, said he had been out for a ride on his own motorbike with his girlfriend when he saw the crash.

He said: "I could see the headlights of another bike in the mirror so I pulled over slightly to let him past. He was going very fast - I would say about 100mph.

"He couldn't make the bend. The bike hit a kerb and somersaulted through a fence.

I got to him and shouted but there was no reply. I couldn't hear any breathing."

The inquest was told Mr Sutton had bought the £3,000 motorcycle a few days before the accident after borrowing half the cash from his best friend Richard Sutton, who shared his name but was not related.

Tests showed the motorcycle was not defective in any way, the day was clear and there was nothing to suggest any defect in the road.

Recording a verdict of road accident, coroner Alan Craze said: "I don't ride a motorcycle but I do drive a car and I wouldn't even want to take that bend at 50mph.

"The cause of this accident can only have been the way the motorbike was ridden and it gives me no pleasure to say that at all."

Miss Beniston and Mr Sutton, who have two young children, were planning their wedding.

After his death Miss Beniston said the family had always feared he would crash.

She said: "It soon became obvious that Adam had a love for speed and it was not a case of if' he was going to crash but when'. He was my one and only true love."