Nine out of ten staff in pubs and clubs in Brighton and Hove are being exposed to music which is too loud.

It means that the workers are at risk of hearing impairment.

Inspectors are concerned that most staff interviewed did not consider levels of noise to be excessive and were not concerned that hearing problems may develop in the future.

However, a number of employees said they had already suffered hearing damage and had left previous employment due to excessive noise levels. New measures to control noise levels in pubs, bars and clubs come into force this month.

Health and safety inspectors from Brighton and Hove City Council are visiting all venues in the city playing music to advise managers about the changes in the law and their responsibilities.

The Control of Noise at Work regulations are being tightened to help protect employees working in the music and entertainment industry.

The new regulations state that a workplace is too noisy if employees, standing around two metres apart, have to raise their voices to carry out a normal conversation.

Excessive noise can result in staff losing their hearing or suffering from tinnitus.

All the venues visited have been given practical advice and information on how to carry out noise risk assessments and introduce measures to control and reduce noise exposure.

Health and safety inspectors are also working with the city's universities to raise awareness among students planning on working in pubs clubs and bars in the city.

Environment councillor Geoffrey Theobald said: "With so many of our residents working in the music and entertainment industry it's vital that city employers are fully aware of this important new legislation, and the advice and information available for them.

"Employers have a duty to provide a safe working place for employees and to safeguard staff and members of the public against excessive noise levels and our health and safety officers are committed to helping them achieve this."

To find out more, contact the council's health, safety and licensing team on 01273 294429 or visit the HSE website at

Has your hearing been affected by working in a pub or club? Tell us your stories below.