A chemistry pupil took his place alongside the brightest and the best when he and his classmates won national awards.

Matt Rattley and five other pupils from Varndean College in Brighton gained plaudits at the national Chemistry Olympiad where students took tests under exam conditions.

Matt, 17, won a gold award and was among just 20 pupils in the competition final at Cambridge University last weekend.

John Luton, head of chemistry at the college, said: "It is phenomenal. He is one of the best chemists in the country. He's better than me.

"We are very pleased and proud of him."

Ben Holter and Kim Horton, both 18, won silver awards and Teodora Georgescu, 18, a bronze. Tom Bloomfield, 17, and Joe Stewart, 18, were given commendations.

Mr Luton said: "All the results were very good. Most A-level students wouldn't get commendations - it's great."