I was interested to read about the flat with the bath in the kitchen and the toilet on the balcony (The Argus, March 29).

Auction manager Nick Muston was surprised by this arrangement. However, there is a block of flats in Bonchurch Road, Brighton, probably dating from the 1930s, which were built with no wash basin, the bath in the kitchen and the toilet on the balcony.

Indeed, there were houses in Patcham, built in the 1930s, which had an indoor toilet but no wash basin and the bath in the kitchen covered by a board.

This arrangement was obviously not as unusual as Mr Muston thinks.

  • Anthony Ellis, Carden Crescent, Brighton

The story about the flat for sale in Hanover Street, Brighton, brought back many happy memories of living and working in Paris 45 years ago. I had a large bedsit attic room in the Rue de Turin and the "facilities"

were all contained together in a rather cramped offshoot. The lavatory, gas cooker, washbasin and the bath were all within touching distance of each other.

This meant one could sit on the loo and stir the soup, or reach out of the bath and turn off the gas.

I wish I could say that my little Parisian garret inspired some artistic masterpieces but it didn't. I am left with only happy memories of that delightful, if unhygienic, time of bohemian living.

  • Isabelle Constant, Avondale Road, Hove