In response to the comments by WJ McIlroy about the crucifixion re-enactment being disturbing (Letters, March 27), Jesus's death on the cross was exactly that but more importantly it was done for all of us.

As for children seeing it, perhaps they should know what Jesus did for us and then they would be able to live a better life.

  • CS Edwards, Wilbury Road, Hove

Can I remind WJ McIlroy that Easter is the greatest festival in the Christian calendar, celebrated throughout the world. When we remember the sacrifice make by the son of God, it holds the prospect of eternal life to all mankind and gives true meaning to our existence in this fallen world.

For Christians, Easter eggs are a symbol of this new life not only in nature but offered to us in Jesus's name and in the world to come.

Rather than being linked with paganism, Easter relates to the Jewish feast of Passover which commemorates the liberation of the Jews from bondage in Egypt, when a lamb had to be slaughtered and its blood daubed on door posts in order to save first-born sons from death.

We believe that Jesus at a later Passover was acting as our sacrificial lamb, or substitute, and died the death that we deserve for our sins.

I say well done to those Christians in Bevendean, they are an example to us all.

  • Alan Nunn, Pipers Close, Hove

Three cheers for WJ McIlroy for his stance against the gruesome Christian images of Easter.

We are a wider culture indeed and theirs is no part of mine.

  • MA Pracy, Pankhurst Avenue, Brighton