I am pleased to see that Brighton and Hove Buses has finally decided to run a limited stop commuter bus along the seafront, the new 12x service. I would be keen to make use of this service.

The bus I catch to and from work in Portslade every morning stops every 200 yards or so to pick up one or two people which slows my journey down considerably.

However, I am interested to know why the two afternoon services leave Churchill Square on just two occasions - 4.48pm and 5.08pm.

Most Brighton and Hove workers in the "real" world don't finish work until at least 5pm and don't realistically leave the office until at least 5.15pm or later.

These workers will not be able to use either of these limited stop services to return home.

I wonder what the logic is of running them at these times? Surely sometime around 5.15pm or 5.45pm would have been far better suited for the purpose?

  • Mathew Hook, Lenham Avenue, Saltdean