About 600 jobs at Britain's biggest share registration company could be under threat from plans to move key operations to India.

Equiniti, which employs about 2,000 people at its head office in Lancing, looks after 24 million shareholder and employee records.

The company, based on Spencer Road, at Lancing Business Park, acts as registrar to more than 700 companies.

The company was formerly known as Lloyds TSB Registrars until it was bought from the bank last year for £550 million by American firm Advent International.

The private equity group is looking for ways to cut costs and move many key operations to sites in Delhi and Hyderabad.

The UK's other two share registrars, Capita and Computershare, both have offshore operations.

Chief executive Bill Dye told a national newspaper: "Equiniti is a company with very exciting growth opportunities and we are reviewing options to grow the business.

"It is not revolutionary for a financial services business to use off-shoring to help growth."

Nobody at the company was available to give further details about any plans to move some of the company's operations overseas.

The company could not comment on exactly how these plans would impact on the workers at Lancing.

One employee, who did not want to be identified, said she had not been told of any possible job losses.

She said she was unaware of any workers being sent any correspondence with further details.

Equiniti handles details of investors in most FTSE 100 companies.

These include the payment of dividends and posting documents such as takeover proposals to shareholders. Moving any operations to India could spark fears about the security of these documents and information.

About 300 staff at Barclays faced redundancy in 2006 when the company moved jobs from Hastings overseas.

In 2006, Norwich Union unveiled plans to cut 100 jobs at its Worthing office and switch much of its operation to India.

However last year the insurance company closed a call centre in India amid concerns over service standards.

Do you work at Equiniti? Are you worried about your job? Comment below.