In idle moments I indulge my love of language by noting the use of terms in the media and in conversation.

For instance, the terms "dog's dinner" and "dog's breakfast". My understanding has always been that they are almost polar opposites, ie, "She was dressed up like a dog's dinner for her first date with the man of her dreams."

Conversely, the Terminal 5 debacle could best be described as a dog's breakfast.

I could be totally wrong here. I realise there's no logical reason why the two things should be so different.

Unfortunately, an appropriate dictionary I got from the library doesn't mention either phrase.

This may seem frivolous but our language is so rich in idioms and as an elderly teacher I find that many of them are lost on the young.

I suggest everyone uses their favourite phrases with their students and grandchildren before they die out.

  • Val Cane, Queen's Park Road Brighton