The battle to become the next leader of Brighton and Hove City Council is under way.

Councillor Geoffrey Theobald and Councillor Mary Mears will fight for the top job following the resignation of Brian Oxley, who will remain a councillor.

On April 7, Conservative councillors will choose the next leader of the city's Conservative group and on May 15 a new council leader, likely to be the Tory candidate, will be elected.

Coun Theobald said: "I am passionate about this city and would be proud to lead my party.

"I would give up my national appointments such as chairman of LACORS to devote all my time to build on the successes that I and my colleagues have achieved in our first ten months in administration and move this city forward to even greater successes and achievements."

He lists as his achievements while chairman of the environment committee the restoration of the bandstand, the Scores On The Doors restaurant ratings, taking back car parks from NCP and the removal of estate agents' boards from central areas. He added: "I am also very much aware that we need to work together with councillors of all parties and with the business community and voluntary bodies across the city to make sure that all areas of the city benefit from our success.

"My work for the city in which I was born and that I love is not yet complete."

Councillor Ken Norman, chairman of adult social care and health, threw his weight behind Coun Theobald's campaign.

He said: "I have known Geoffrey for 40 years and have always found him to be a great friend and an infinitely honourable person.

He is clearly the person for the job."

Brian Pidgeon, fellow Patcham ward councillor, and Hangleton and Knoll councillor Tony Janio have also backed the bid.

Coun Theobald's opponent, Coun Mears, is currently deputy leader and chairman of the housing committee.

She said: "I want to work very closely with all colleagues to build on the work the administration has done already.

"I have worked with tenants from Portslade to Woodingdean to bring them together to find a solution for housing.

"I want an open and transparent administration and want the opportunity to do the best for the city."

Vanessa Brown, Jan Young and Denise Cobb have put their names forward for the job of deputy leader.

Who do you think would make the best council leader? Leave your comments below.